Excerpts: Graduation is a big achievement under any circumstances, yours comes as the world is turned upside down. <…> be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Democracy isn’t about relying on […]
Notes: My life is bigger than basketball and that’s why I asked to come to Marjory Stoneman Douglas to do whatever was needed of me. What I loved most and appreciated the most was that […]
Tim Minchin at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, UK Note: I hope you remember that in our game,Success doesn’t mean what they think it means.And even if you get the type of successThat they think […]
Excerpts: My message for you today is ‘finish.’Now I’m officially a doctor, and I will start prescribing,” he said. “I will start with painkillers. I worked harder on this speech than on all the homework […]
Charlie Day at Merrimack College Notes: There is an obvious lesson here about believing in yourself, and there is the plan A plan B stuff but forget all that for a second.But my lesson is […]